The museum of Rome is a small museum close to the Termini station. It is a great museum of roman statues and mosaics. Emily and i enjoyed the museum.

Mosaics from a Villa
Circus factions, Veneta, Russata, Albata and Prasina opus sectile
Fresco of Venus seated 4th century AD
Mosiacs from the floor of a villa
Charioteers of the factions of the circus from a villa 3rd century
Detail from the triclinium of the villa Livia
Detail from the triclinium of the villa Livia
Detail from the triclinium of the villa Livia
Item from the tomb of a  young Roman girl
Items from the tomb of a  young Roman girl
Various Roman utensils
Villa wall decoration
Abduction of Hylas 331AD Opus Sectile
Roman copy of a Green God
Marcus Aurelius
Mosaic from a floor of a villa showing the Egyptian style
Coin Collection in the basement traces the development of Roman coins with many viewing cases
The Portonaccio sarcophagus with a horrific battle scene with Romans and Germans

Fighting the invaders from outside of  the Roman Empire
 The top: vanquished salute the victor
Traveling with Emily and Jim
Museums and Sites
The Bottom.. The General in the middle leads the Romans has no face carved he was the occupant of the sarcophagus
return to:
Hercacles reclining from an imperial villa Neronian age